Gut microbiome structure and metabolic activity in inflammatory bowel disease

TitleGut microbiome structure and metabolic activity in inflammatory bowel disease
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsFranzosa EA, Sirota-Madi A, Avila-Pacheco J, Fornelos N, Haiser HJ, Reinker S, Vatanen T, A Hall B, Mallick H, McIver LJ, Sauk JS, Wilson RG, Stevens BW, Scott JM, Pierce K, Deik AA, Bullock K, Imhann F, Porter JA, Zhernakova A, Fu J, Weersma RK, Wijmenga C, Clish CB, Vlamakis H, Huttenhower C, Xavier RJ
JournalNat Microbiol
Date Published2019 Feb
KeywordsBiodiversity, Biomarkers, Colitis, Ulcerative, Crohn Disease, Feces, Gastrointestinal Microbiome, Humans, Inflammation, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Leukocyte L1 Antigen Complex, Metabolome, Metagenome

The inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), which include Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), are multifactorial chronic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. While IBD has been associated with dramatic changes in the gut microbiota, changes in the gut metabolome-the molecular interface between host and microbiota-are less well understood. To address this gap, we performed untargeted metabolomic and shotgun metagenomic profiling of cross-sectional stool samples from discovery (n = 155) and validation (n = 65) cohorts of CD, UC and non-IBD control patients. Metabolomic and metagenomic profiles were broadly correlated with faecal calprotectin levels (a measure of gut inflammation). Across >8,000 measured metabolite features, we identified chemicals and chemical classes that were differentially abundant in IBD, including enrichments for sphingolipids and bile acids, and depletions for triacylglycerols and tetrapyrroles. While > 50% of differentially abundant metabolite features were uncharacterized, many could be assigned putative roles through metabolomic 'guilt by association' (covariation with known metabolites). Differentially abundant species and functions from the metagenomic profiles reflected adaptation to oxidative stress in the IBD gut, and were individually consistent with previous findings. Integrating these data, however, we identified 122 robust associations between differentially abundant species and well-characterized differentially abundant metabolites, indicating possible mechanistic relationships that are perturbed in IBD. Finally, we found that metabolome- and metagenome-based classifiers of IBD status were highly accurate and, like the vast majority of individual trends, generalized well to the independent validation cohort. Our findings thus provide an improved understanding of perturbations of the microbiome-metabolome interface in IBD, including identification of many potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets.

Alternate JournalNat Microbiol
PubMed ID30531976
PubMed Central IDPMC6342642
Grant ListU01 DK097430 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
P30 DK043351 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
R01 DK092405 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
R24 DK110499 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
U54 DK102557 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
P30 DK040561 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States