Job Opportunities

We are always on the lookout for curious, motivated, and creative scientists to join our team.

Postdoctoral Fellows

If you are interested in doing a postdoc with me, send me an email with your cover letter, CV, and contact information for three references. Bonus points if:

1. You have one idea you want to work on related to the broad area of omics data science and multimodal integration.
2. You have read at least one statistical methodology paper from the lab.
3. You are familiar with at least one Mallick lab software package.
4. You have published at least one high-impact paper as a lead author.
5. You have excellent communication skills, particularly in writing.

Current Ph.D. Students Interested in Rotation in Mallick Lab

Current Ph.D. students who are interested in conducting a rotation in the Mallick Lab, please send me an email with your CV attached, a link to your most impressive project to date, and any specific aspects of Mallick Lab publications and software that particularly intrigued you and motivated you to get in touch with me.

Volunteers and Research Assistants

We have many ongoing projects that will keep us busy for some time. If you are a current undergraduate or graduate student, or an early-career professional interested in conducting research in the Mallick Lab, please contact Himel at with a cover letter and CV.

Weill Cornell Medicine Mallick Lab 402 E 67th Street New York, NY 10065 Phone: (646) 962-4919